We also play an important role in the service of humanity duhstha coming. Our medical center is adjacent to the mosque as it is unique. We may be about 30-35 thousand pratimase this organization with almost 75 per item for the antibiotics of high-performance free medicines to poor patients, the distribution will be approximately 500-600 people. Members of our society all forms of necessary medication and a mosque is being managed with medication musallidera been satisfied. For example – Mirpur Ceramic Works, sarbajanaba apharoja Rahim, Mir Nazrul Islam, raisa Uddin, Md talaha, and Mr. Abdul Wahid Nur-e-Iqbal. Our thanks to everyone who is eligible. We have appointed an experienced doctor, Mrs. Dr. Rebecca M. 1, John B and B’s in a week, Monday through Friday 2 days the patient sees. Moreover, our health and social welfare sub-committee, Mr. Secretary, Dr. S., who was admitted to the hospital with cancer of the book, kidani establishment, oparesanasaha other heart operations, patients are complex and apply the necessary paper work we have examined the necessary funds from the Mosque goraba Xu, destruction The announcement about 3,50,000 patients namaje aisamasta / – cash money has been provided. Moreover, the Secretary General to the affected eye with permission rugiderake Sher – E Bengali urban eye disease eye diseases and legendary member of the Executive Committee of our Institute and Hospital Dr. niyaja bisejna Mr. Rahman’s poor supervision of patients on treatment. Members of our life and health and social welfare sub-committee member of our medical center, Mr. Dr. ohidujjamana tamala poor patients for free medical services, has completed his siddesbaristha Dental College and Hospital. In addition, vitamin A national vaccination, including vaccination and other health-related medications krminasaka our free medical services being provided through the center.